

Publications. . .



ETN excursion HTS 2013
Presentation zur excursion (PDF - 9,3Mb)
Presentation Foundation / Building a dam exercise
(PDF - 5,1Mb)
Symposium Environmental Geotechnics Freiberg 2005

Great site with surface recycling (new paper mill) (PDF - 0,9Mb)
Präesentation (PDF - 0,5Mb)

5th Austrian Geotechnical Conference, Vienna 2005
The water absorption test in practice (PDF - 0,4Mb)
Geologica et Palaeontologica, Marburg, 1972
The foundation conditions of the Elisabeth Church in Marburg (PDF - 0,8Mb)
Determination of water absorption DIN 18132

Measurement of water absorption, the Building Technology, Issue 11, 1959 (PDF - 0,8Mb)
The water absorption test, Bautechnik 65, 1988
(PDF - 1,6Mb)